The Mercer County Regional Council of Governments |
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About the MCRCOG
ADMINISTRATORS OF SVSS AND MCCT MCRCOG PRESS RELEASE Many mutual problems affecting local governments continuously surface in a variety of areas - such as transportation, purchasing, solid waste management, animal control, sewage treatment, police and fire protection, environmental control, code enforcement, recreation, housing, planning, economic development; while many, many other service demands additionally being thrust upon local governments. Although the COG approach is still considered a somewhat new concept - many local governments within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have formed COGs as a means of addressing their growing number of regional problems. A closer look will show that some COGs are more active than others. All COGs possess the common capability of offering a single platform in which to view, discuss and hopefully resolve regional and mutual problems. It should be recognized that both the Federal and State government are more actively promoting the development and implementation of shared municipal services as well as the overall concept of intergovernmental cooperation. The COG approach can be the best way in which to forge these new "partnerships in local government" and to further solicit the available Federal and State financial and technical assistance needed to get the job done! It should be further recognized that a Council of Governments (COG) is not the formation of a "local super government" or any attempt at local government consolidation; however, it is simply a tool for local governments to use in eliminating duplication while in turn, providing the best possible municipal services at the smallest expense to their resident taxpayers. In conclusion, it is important to note that any Council of Governments (COG) may offer its member local governments a solid base from which to view, discuss and hopefully resolve mutual problems within the regional area. However, since the oversight of a COG organization is the sole responsibility of local elected officials, then the success or failure of a COG will depend largely on the amount of interest, support and cooperation generated by these same locally elected officials. |
News And Notes
We are an equal opportunity employer 2022-2023 Public Transportation Annual Performance Report Right To Know Request Form 2024 Act 44 Disclosure Legal Notice 2024 Joint Purchasing 2025 Meeting Dates
What Does The MCRCOG Do? Find out what the Mercer County Regional Council of Governments does and can do for your municipality. Learn More |
The Mercer County Regional Council of Governments 2495 Highland Rd. Hermitage, Pennsylvania 16148 724.981.1561 All site content ©2025 MCRCOG |