The Mercer County Regional Council of Governments

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2495 Highland Rd
Hermitage, PA 16148

Phone: 724.981.1561
Fax: 724.981.2639

Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm

February 3 - 2pm
Transit Development Plan
Stakeholder Meeting
Human Services/Education Group
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 869 5076 9272
Passcode: 756433

February 10 - 2pm
Transit Development Plan
Stakeholder Meeting
Government/Business Group
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 8868 0493
Passcode: 584439

May 26
No Shuttle Service
Memorial Day Holiday

  Shenango Valley Shuttle Service Transit Development Plan

About the plan

Shenango Valley Shuttle Service (SVSS) strives to be a premier provider of accessible, affordable, and high-quality public transportation for its customers. To ensure the Shenango Valley remains vibrantly connected for decades to come, the Mercer County Regional Council of Governments (MCRCOG), in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), is conducting a planning process to evaluate and update transit services to better meet the community's mobility needs. The Transit Development Plan (TDP) will be an opportunity to evaluate and update our services to respond to changing needs.

Project Timeline

The project is a 12-month study that includes 5 different phases:
  • System Overview and Market Assessment
  • Stakeholder and Community Outreach
  • Service Improvement Plan
  • Financial and Implementation Plan
  • Transit Development Plan


MCRCOG is looking for input from people who live and work in Mercer County and visitors to understand how people use the transit system (whether daily or occasional riders), what works well, and what could be improved. We also want to hear from those who don't use the transit system and why.

Opportunities to provide your input:
  • Email us at publiccomment@mcrcog or call us at 724.981.1561
  • Visit our website for TDP updates


Click for the Transit Development Plan Fact Sheet

  News And Notes
Transit Development Plan

We are an equal opportunity employer

Riding Tips
Fare Information
ADA Complementary Paratransit Information
Customers With Disabilities

For privacy and security reasons, SVSS will not disclose specific driver schedules

Policy for service animals

2022-2023 Public Transportation Annual Performance Report

Title VI Complaint Instructions and Procedures

Title VI Policy Notice

TItle VI Complaint Form

DBE Policy

DBE Goal

The Mercer County Regional Council of Governments
2495 Highland Rd. Hermitage, Pennsylvania 16148
All site content ©2025 MCRCOG